Branded Digital Newsstand

Have all your publications gathered in one place - it’s easy to follow, read, and share. An Edition Digital Newsstand is created literally in minutes, with complete user management and unified access control over web and apps content (iOS and Android). It solves many of problems publishers have had with cross platform selling - with money directly to your PayPal account. So selling single issues, subscriptions or having a restricted access to your publications is now just a click away.


Featured Newsstands

Wing Chun Illustrated

WCI aims to UNIFY the entire Wing Chun family, to help preserve all this unique fighting system offers to current and FUTURE GENERATIONS of practitioners.

Photography Masterclass

Get streaming video lessons, articles and top tips to take your photography to the next level!

Aviation Theory Centre

Aviation Theory Centre (ATC) was developed to provide the aviation industry the highest quality training manuals and reference media for pilots.

Ontario OUT of DOOR

Canada's best read outdoors magazine - get the latest hunting and fishing tips, gear, news and more from our experts.

Revija radar ter Vojne vihre

Zgodbe za vse generacije, ki jih ni nikjer drugje: o izjemnih posameznikih, navdihujočih dosežkih, osupljivih dogodkih.

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